Friday, October 18, 2013

This Is The Story of a Girl.....

So I'm Lindsay. I'm in college in old Idaho. I'm writing a missionary named Joshua. This is the letter. It about sums up my life in College so far....Enjoy!
Reina is my roommate.
Lead-climbing is a type of climbing where you clip the rope in as you go rather than already being roped in at the top. Long story short: The falls are bigger and scarier. That's what I mean when I say "lead fall".

I don't remember all that I told you in my last letter. I remember my email was about laundry.... but anyway,
So I think I told you that we bought little ducklings off of Craigslist? Well if I didn't tell you-that's what Reina and I did. We thought it was such a good idea. We met some lady with dreads in a parking lot and bought ducks from her for $4 each. Dealing ducks.
As soon as we got in the car to go back to the dorm we knew it was a bad idea. We got in the car with the cardboard box that had  two ducklings in it, and just looked at each other like; "What were we thinking?!" "We can't have ducklings!"
When we got back to the dorms, we snuck them inside in my backpack...haha. We had them live in a little bin thingy in our closet area. But let me tell you; Ducks are freaking loud! And they grow and poop all the time. They stunk our room up so bad and ruined my life for the two weeks we had them. Dramatic, but still. We didn't even name them because we didn't want to get too attached. Mostly we called them "Hey" and "Shut up". Reina called them more explicit things. We kinda hated them a little. Just a little though.
Haha I showered with them sometimes though.That was cute. They would just run around the tub and quack. So Cuute! and ducklings look like dinosaurs when they are wet, just sayin'.
Finally though, I couldn't take in anymore. Our room smelled like a farm. It was disgusting. So Reina and I decided to get rid of them.
We stood outside Big R (a farm store) for like twenty minutes offering them to people.
"Do you want little ducklings?"
"Excuse me?"
"Ducklings, do you want them? They need a home, and we can't take care of them anymore.."
"Sorry, (Insert excuse to not take ducklings here)"
"Alright. Have a good day."
We gave up on that pretty soon. We almost just left them in the back of a pick-up truck.
Well we ended up going door to door in farm-ish looking neighborhoods.
"Ducklings anyone?"
"No thanks."
"Do you know anyone who wants ducklings?"
"They might" *points to house down the street*
"Okay thanks!!"
It went on like that for about an hour.
Finally! Finally! This man told us about a lady on the street over with a pond and ducks. And after a few wrong houses we found her. Thank goodness!
But the funny thing is that as soon as we got them out of our dorms and were trying to get rid of them, they were cute again. We were like
"Awwwww.. we can't get rid of them. They're so cute."
"Just look. They are actually kinda pretty. Hey little guys..."
"No, no no!! They ruined our lives. They need. to go."
"Right right.-Ducklings! Ducklings for sale!! for free that is!!"
And yeah...That was a mistake. Never again will I spur-of-the-moment buy and animal. we have a guinea pig....  :D

We snuck that in here too. Her name is Cisco and she's soo cute. She looks like a biscuit. I don't even like guinea pigs. But yeah... I'm probably an idiot but, you know, that's just okay. Haha life is good!!!

Enough with all the animal business in my life. Guess what?
I took my first (and second) lead fall yesterday. Didn't even scream or anything. It was probably about a 6 or 7 foot fall. My hands are getting sweaty thinking about it. So the first time I just fell straight down. No big deal. But the second time I was climbing to the left of the bolt line and I slipped and swung back, my foot got caught on the rope and it flipped me. Pretty scary actually. I tried that part of the climb for a little longer though before I came down. Climbing sucks.
I love it. The rating was about a 5-9. I need to climb more. You always need to climb more though. Never enough.
I also had my last sailing class. We had the crappiest luck though weather-wise. My instructor said he'd never had so many cancelled classes due to weather before since he started teaching. So to make up for it he gave us all $100 worth of sailing credit. That just means we can take the little crappy boats out for free if we want. So that's neat I guess....
Tell me about Belgium or Netherlands or wherever you are right now!
What do you think? How do you feel? What do you think about how you feel? :) People nice? Food good? View pretty? Do you miss the mountains? I do. Nobody knows what mountains are until they live at the base of the Wasatch. I'm super excited to see them during Thanksgiving. The mountains and my dog. That's what I'm excited for. And real food. How's the food there? Better than the MTC?
How was General Conference for you? I didn't get a change to listen too well. But I'm sure it was great as always. I'll read the talks when they come out in the Ensign.
As always, my prayers are with you. I miss you and think of you often.
Write back when you can!!

P.S. I wanna be a minion for Halloween. :)

1 comment:

  1. WOWOWOW you freaking posted! Woohoooooooo And it was a good post. Probably better than my 10 previous posts....
